Nina Hopf’s unforgettable animated experimental short film, “Eadem Cutis: The Same Skin”, was submitted to T-Port Lighthouse a few months ago and selected by curator Wim Vanacker for the 2020 T-Port Lighthouse official selection.
The film was already selected to screen at various leading festivals worldwide, including Sundance, Filmfest Dresden, Berlin Independent Film Festival and many more.
Lately, we finally got a chance to talk with the upcoming filmmaker to find out more about her unique work, ambitious artistic vision, and the ways T-Port has helped her achieve her goals.
My name is Nina Hopf. I am 25 years old and working, studying and living in Weimar, Germany. I studied Media Arts and Design at the Bauhaus-University. During my bachelor studies I concentrated mainly on 2D animation, until I got in touch with different printing techniques. I then tried to bring these two together, which resulted in my degree film “eadem cutis: the same skin”.
I am currently working on different future projects, printing, drawing and animating!
My main inspiration for the film is my twin brother. His personality and life are deeply inspiring to me, so I decided to try and make a portrait of him as my degree film. We worked together closely for this film and I tried to find the right way to show him and his experiences in a way that felt unfiltered.
I hope that through T-Port more and more people will be exposed to my work, enabling me to reach a broader audience and industry professionals.
There are plenty of hopes and dreams I have for the future. Mainly I hope that I manage to get to work on projects I am passionate about.
Director’s picture taken by Larissa Barth.
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