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Partner: The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University | Tisch VOD
18 Years old Omer, woke up one day with a thick beard and discovers that he turned out to be Omar, an Arab. His metamorphosis takes place on Israel's Independence Day. This impossible situation forces Omar to keep his new identity undercover...
Duration: 13min.
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew, Arabic (Modern Standard)
Year: 2016
Genre: Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Islam, Jewish
Director: Noa Gottesman, Asaf Schwartz
Production company: Gili Zolty, Noa Gottesman, Asaf Schwartz
Writer: Noa Gottesman, Asaf Schwartz
Cinematographer: Ilan Theiler
Editor: Asaf Schwartz, Noa Gottesman
Actors: Carlos Gharzuzi , Avi Pnini , Sandra Schonwald , Eyal Rozales , Lelia Gormezano