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Partner: AG Kurzfilm
My mother led a very unorthodox life, living in palaces and under bridges. Her independence was most important for her, which in the end became her undoing. She decided to live in her tiny car for 10 years. Only when the car broke down and she was unable to walk even, we got the chance to reconnect.
Duration: 24min.
Country: Germany
Language: German
Year: 2024
Genre: Animation
Topic: Adventure, Childhood, Family, Loneliness
Production company: Fabian&Fred
Writer: Rebecca Blöcher, Fréderic Schuld (Co-Writer)
Cinematographer: Fréderic Schuld
Editor: Fréderic Schuld, Rebecca Blöcher
Actors: Animation
Distributor Company: Festival Distribution interfilm Berlin
Sales Agent: interfilm Berlin Management GmbH