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Partner: Sapir College – School of Audio and Visual Arts
Sweet Potatoes is a short animated wild comedy that follows the journey of the young boy Amit on his first meeting with male sexuality.
Duration: 8min.
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew
Year: 2025
Genre: Animation, Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Adult, Adult Relationship, Adventure, Adventurous Person, Aging, Animation, Art, Black Humor, Body, Children, Education, Eroticism, Fantasy, Gender, Human Conduct, Human Rights, Humor, Love, Manhood, Sexuality, Teenagers, TragiComedy, Youth/Teen
Production company: Sapir Academic College
Writer: Noy Begaggon Elharrar
Cinematographer: Alon Zayger
Editor: Noy Begaggon Elharrar
Actors: Adam Hacohen , Yinon Cohen , Lior Shabtay