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Partner: Hessische Film und Medienakademie (hFMA)
Lydia Gavrileva
Filmmaker's profile
Pierce wakes up in a dark hallway and realizes that she has lost her memory. She has to find out what the post-apocalypse world is like and what threat the world faces.
Duration: 6min.
Country: Germany
Language: English
Year: 2021
Genre: Animation
Topic: Adventure, Animation, Environment, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Post apocalypse
Director: Lydia Gavrileva
Production company:
Writer: Lydia Gavrileva
Cinematographer: Lydia Gavrileva
Editor: Lydia Gavrileva
Actors: Sophia Fiona Huse / Sängerin , Leanne Maksin / Stimme für Pierce & Hunt , Tony Clark / Stimme für Adam, Skah, Jésus Maria, Civilian , Tracey Gray / Stimme für Joy & Civilian