

Partner: AG Kurzfilm

Slating requires diligence and is a very important step of the filmmaking process. Its purpose is to keep a consistent flow of information throughout production. Center of this story is a clapper and his clapper board. A symphony of clapping.


Duration: 1min.

Country: Germany

Language: German

Year: 2022

Genre: Documentary, Experimental, Fiction (Comedy)

Topic: Action, Adaptation, Art, Black Humor, Cinema, Documentary, Experimental, Human Relationship, Inspiration, Love, Magic, Photography, Portrait, Relationship, Road Movie, Work

Cast & Crew

Director: Arne Körner

Production company: Against Reality Pictures

Writer: Arne Körner

Cinematographer: Martin Prinoth

Editor: Dustin Sam Iwen

Actors: Charles Toulouse as Hinrich Keine , Rafael Stachowiak as Bernd Turnau , Gala Othero Winter as Bernds Freundin , Kristof van Boven as Mathis van Verbeek

Distributor Company: Light Cone

Festivals & Awards


International Short Film Festival of Cyprus

Kerry International Film Festival

Hof International Film Festival

Nordic Film Days Lֳuebeck

Biberacher Filmfestspiele

FILMZ - Festival des deutschen Kinos

Kinofest Lünen

Black Cat Award International Film Festival Bolivia

Europäisches Filmfestival Göttingen

Flensburger Kurzfilmtage

Izmir International Short Film Festival


Würzburger Filmwochenende

Filmfest Schleswig-Holstein

International Short Film Week Regensburg

Grenzland Filmtage Selb

SHORTS - Trinationales Filmfestival der Hochschule Offenburg

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia


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