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Natalia Beliaeva
Filmmaker's profile
One day, spent in the expectation of the upcoming happiness: walking around the town, shop after shop, two sisters check on the chosen long ago presents for Sonia the doll's birthday. It's just a bit longer to wait and they'll be together at last.
Duration: 15min.
Country: Russian Federation, Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
Language: Slovak
Year: 2021
Genre: Fiction (Comedy)
Topic: Childhood, Children
Director: Natalia Beliaeva
Production company: Presidential Grants Fund
Writer: Anna Yastrizh
Cinematographer: Konstantin Ivanov
Editor: Natalia Beliaeva, Konstantin Ivanov, Oleg Saikin
Actors: Liana Bereshova , Tamara Tantsikova , Nina Yavorekova , Marianna Stanchokova , Alzhbeta Yatskova , Yana Olgova , Daniel Havier ,
Distributor Company: VOSTOK