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Partner: Locarno – Pardi di domani
Syllas Tzoumerkas
Filmmaker's profile
“My name is Simeon the Madman. From now on, I will only speak my true language. I will return to the city I remember, and with the power of God, I will mock the world.” The meeting of a son with his mother at her hometown, takes an unexpected turn.
Duration: 8min.
Country: Greece
Language: Italian, Greek
Year: 2023
Genre: Fiction (Comedy), Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Adolescence, Identity
Director: Syllas Tzoumerkas
Production company: Delta Pi Productions
Cinematographer: ALEXANDRA RIBA
Actors: Angeliki Papoulia, , Jacopo Olmo Antinori, , Eleni Karagiorgi, , Niki Papandreou, , Leonidas Stamou, , Artemis Zarokosta, , Anastasia Anagnostopoulou, , Argyris Lambrou