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Partner: Short Films from Israel – Clermont-Ferrand Market 2022 | Gesher Multicultural Film Fund
Maya Yadlin
Filmmaker's profile
Maya takes her parents and sister to the desert in order to film them for an additional scene in her film. But the day of filming turns into a never-ending family argument, and it becomes unclear whether they will even manage to cooperate and become
Duration: 15min.
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew
Year: 2021
Genre: Fiction (Comedy), Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Family, Jewish, Women
Director: Maya Yadlin
Production company: Encore Films
Writer: Maya Yadlin
Cinematographer: Omer Weiss
Editor: Maya Yadlin
Actors: Israel Yadlin , Stella Yadlin , Dana Yadlin , Maya Yadlin