
Halayla (Tonight)

Partner: The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University

Tom comes over to meet her younger girlfriend’s group of friends for the first time. As the evening unfolds, she discovers a different side of their relationship, when confronted with her friends. At the end of the night, she’ll have to make a choice


Duration: 15min.

Country: Israel

Language: Hebrew

Year: 2018

Genre: Fiction (Drama)

Topic: Coming of age, Friendship, Identity, Jewish, LGBTQ, Love, Music, Otherness, Relationship, Social, Society, Teen love, Women, Youth, Youth/Teen

Cast & Crew

Production company: Daniel Saloniko, Tamar Alon

Writer: Emily Shir Shir Segal

Cinematographer: Naomi Meroz

Editor: Yuval Barak

Actors: Tamar Amit Joseph, Mika Tsur, Omer Yefet, Ofek Pesach


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