Lights On
A husband and wife married for 5 years, own an Odong-Odong at the carnival together, spending their days entertaining and taking care of other people’s children without any of their own.
Between meddling relatives, self-doubt and an explosive confrontation, they uncover why they have not been bles
Duration: 15min.
Country: Indonesia
Language: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Year: 2023
Fiction (Comedy)
Adult Relationship, Children, Fatherhood, Humor, Identity, Marriage, Motherhood, Society
Cast & Crew
Production company: Hore Pictures, XRM Media
Writer: Khozy Rizal
Cinematographer: Andi Moch Palaguna
Editor: Khozy Rizal
Actors: Arham Rizky Saputra
, Rezky Chiki
, Hj. Sugiati
, Alghifari Jasin
, Alif Anggara
, Sri Eka Putri
, Utri Fadhilla Muslimin
, Syifa Mahya
, Raka Ardhinata Putra Wardhany
, Raja Pricha Putra Wardhani
, Siti Nur Aisyah
Distributor Company: Lights On