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Partner: The Steve Tisch School of Film and Television, Tel Aviv University
Dean Parsay
Filmmaker's profile
With hormones at their peak, And the fear of being drafted into the Israeli army hovering over their heads, A group of teenagers meet for an night in the forest filled with alcohol and violent games. A night that will change their lives forever.
Duration: 24min.
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew
Year: 2018
Genre: Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Coming of age, Friendship, Violence, Youth/Teen
Director: Dean Parsay
Production company: Eshkar Dahan
Writer: Dean Parsay
Cinematographer: Daniel Binsted
Editor: Avi Granit
Actors: Eran Lachman , Noga Katz , Yuval Ganot , Hila Mann , Sagi Perez