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Montreal Festival du Nouveau Cinema (FNC)
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Romy Boutin St-Pierre
Filmmaker's profile
À travers le tango, miroir de notre société et de ses changements, les rôles hétéronormatifs préétablis sont requestionnés. Through tango, mirror of our society and its changes, pre-established heteronormative roles are challenged.
Duration: 5min.
Country: Canada
Language: No Dialogue
Year: 2019
Genre: Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Adult Relationship, Art, Human Conduct, Human Relationship, Human Rights, Identity, LGBTQ, Love, Love & Time, Relationship, Social, Society, Women
Director: Romy Boutin St-Pierre
Production company: Romy Boutin St-Pierre
Writer: Romy Boutin St-Pierre
Cinematographer: Romy Boutin St-Pierre
Editor: Romy Boutin St-Pierre
Actors: Flavie Dufour, Simon Drolet, Wilner Laforest, Louise-Andrée Laliberté
Montreal Festival du Nouveau Cinema (FNC)