Tushar Prakash

Works on


Country: India


Tushar Prakash is an Indian filmmaker, who is a graduate of the National Polish Film School in Lodz. Since 2020 he has been living in Estonia. His graduation film Jestem OK won the Best Student Fiction Film and The Polish Film Society Award For Artistic Courage & Bravery at the Lodzia Po Wiśle student film festival in Warsaw. The film also won the Honorable Mention at the Koszalin Film Festival in Poland. He co-directed The Karma Killings, a feature documentary on the infamous Nithari serial killings, the first Indian documentary to be acquired by NETFLIX. He was also the editor for the Indian short film Circus directed by Tariq Vasudeva, the film premiered at the Moscow International Film Festival 2018. His feature fiction film in development has participated at the Produire Au Sud workshop in France and La Fabrique Des Cinémas Du Monde at the Cannes Film Festival where it was mentored by Claire Dennis. He is amongst the first Indian alumni of EAVE.

Project in development