


Works on


Country: Germany

T-Port Partner: Locarno – Pardi di domani


Bio: NEOZOON is a female art collective founded 2009 in Berlin and Paris. Their work is based on the principle of collage and investigate sociological questions that deal with speciesism in the Anthropocene. In their video films, the de-and recontextualization of Found Footage / Youtube material is a recurring element.  Amongst others NEOZOON´s work was exhibited at Centre Pompidou in Paris, at ZKM in Karlsruhe, at Kunstwerke Berlin and has been shown at national and international filmfestivals in Oberhausen, Rotterdam, Locarno and New York.

Project in development

Filmography on T-Port

Biting the Dust

Found-footage film about the Christian idea of afterlife & the question which living beings go...

Lake of Fire

An experimental found footage film about the idea of hell through the eyes of religious...