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I am very interested in documentary animation - I took part in FAFF (Factual Animation Film Festival) in London and helped organize the Berlin edition.
Country: Germany
T-Port Partner: Bauhaus University Weimar
Bio: Marina is a media artist, working with photography, graphic and 2D animation. She was born in Moscow, Russia. In 2012-2013 she did an M.A. in Communication Design in Kingston University London and in 2016 she graduated from Bauhaus University Weimar with an M.A. in Media Art and Design, making “The astronaut’s journal” as her master thesis. In this movie, as well s in the previous ones (“My first day in Weimar” 2015, “BALAGAN!!!” 2014) Marina works with the old school oil on glass animation technique, where each frame is painted individually and then captured with a camera as stop motion animation. Her overall style is based on combining digital and analogue techniques in order to build interesting storytelling. Her works have been screened at multiple film festivals in more than 10 countries.