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about werkgruppe2 Werkgruppe2 is a collective of director Julia Roesler, musician and composer Insa Rudolph, dramaturge Silke Merzhäuser and videographer Isabel Robson. Since 2009 they have been developing hybrid projects of storytelling, mainly film and theater projects - between documentation and fiction, between drama and music theater, between town and country.
Country: Germany
T-Port Partner: AG Kurzfilm
Bio: Julia Roesler studied cultural studies and aesthetic praxis in Hildesheim and was a visiting student in Freiburg and Argentina. She is co-founder of the independent artistic company werkgruppe2 in 2006 and directs all of their productions. She also had teaching positions at the HBK Braunschweig, Mozarteum Salzburg, Uni Hildesheim and the Federal Academy Wolfenbüttel. In 2018 werkgruppe2 produced the first shortfilm, MARINA, which was awarded with the Golden Dove at DOK Leipzig 2018, and screened at many festivals around the world.