
Jonathan Dumosch


Works on

Jonathan works mainly with animation in Israel. During his studies for an animation and film degree, he worked as a supervisor and animation assistant for all the students in the department. At the same time as his films, he worked with creators who deal with 3D animation, sound people, big workers in the industry and friends. His second film for 3 years has been running between festivals around the world and winning awards.


Country: Israel

T-Port Partner: Sapir College – School of Audio and Visual Arts

Bio: Jonathan Dumosch, a 2D style animator, studied at Sapir College, in the past he was a fighter in the army and therefore his inspiration for the film. Very active in animation Israel. likes to volunteer. Jonathan's goal is to convey optimistic and good messages to the world through his works.

Project in development

Filmography on T-Port

Red Snow

Arthur fears losing his son, whose serving in a military operation. This brings up repressed...