Festivals & Awards
Hochschulfilmtag Hessen
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Partner: Hessische Film und Medienakademie (hFMA)
Katharina Fohrmann
Filmmaker's profile
The renting market at present is horrendous: Starting with rental prices that go through the ceiling to apartment deficiencies like leaky windows. For the young student Elena, the horror seems almost over as she finds herself on a promising apartment viewing...or is she?
Duration: 3min.
Country: Germany
Language: No Dialogue
Year: 2022
Genre: Animation
Topic: Capitalism, Consumerism, Economic status, Horror, Magic, Mental Health, Mystery, Paranormal, Poverty, Sci-Fi, Struggle, Supernatural, Urban
Director: Katharina Fohrmann
Production company: Hochschule Darmstadt
Writer: Katharina Fohrmann
Cinematographer: Katharina Fohrmann
Editor: Katharina Fohrmann, Kübra Ögüt
Actors: No cast
Hochschulfilmtag Hessen