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Partner: AG Kurzfilm
Christoph Lauenstein
Filmmaker's profile
In a land without light, the sudden appearance of a strange, illuminated object causes a stir among the inhabitants. Egoism and greed infiltrate this dark world. The puppet animation tells a peculiar parable about the shortcomings of human behaviour.
Duration: 8min.
Country: Germany
Language: German
Year: 2021
Genre: Animation
Topic: Adult, Animation, Economic status, Fear, Human Relationship, Human Rights, Society, Violence
Director: Christoph Lauenstein
Production company: Lauenstein & Lauenstein Animation
Writer: Christoph Lauenstein
Cinematographer: Christoph Lauenstein
Editor: Christoph Lauenstein
Actors: -
Distributor Company: Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg