Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
On one side the open sea, on the other the lagoon. Between the success oriented Lithuanian mother and the German father - a 13-year-old boy Linus. On a holiday trip to Lithuania Linus gets to know the local fisherman Arūnas. What does it mean for Linus to meet a man who has always been a fisherman?
Duration: 19min.
Country: Germany
Language: German, Lithuanian
Year: 2023
Fiction (Drama)
Adolescence, Childhood, Coming of age, Consumerism, Economic status, Family, Holidays, Human Relationship, Identity, Journey, Landscape, Loneliness, Nature, Rural, Senior/Aging, Water, Youth/Teen
Cast & Crew
Production company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Writer: Malgorzata Zglinska, Julius Gintaras Blum
Cinematographer: Leon Hoertrich
Editor: Jan Wollenschlaeger
Actors: Linus Kranich
, Arūnas Pakulevičius
, Gabija Jaraminaitė
, Mathis Lenz
Distributor Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Sales Agent: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH