Festivals & Awards
Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival
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Partner: future frames – presented by european film promotion
Lukas Kacinauskas
Filmmaker's profile
It’s a short road film where Max goes on a date with another guy Tadas whom he met online. Max feels uncomfortable and timid so Tadas decides to act on his own initiative. Eventually Max breaks down and reveals his true identity.
Duration: 21min.
Country: Lithuania
Language: Lithuanian
Year: 2021
Genre: Fiction (Drama)
Topic: LGBTQ, Love, Romance, Youth
Director: Lukas Kacinauskas
Production company: Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater
Writer: Lukas Kacinauskas
Cinematographer: Meida Lileikytė
Editor: Lukas Kacinauskas
Actors: Šarūnas Zenkevičius , Matas Dirginčius
Distributor Company: M-Films
Sales Agent: SND Films
Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival