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Country: Jordan


Bio: Born in Jordan in 1992. Murad earned his bachelor degree in Design and Visual Communications with a focus on filmmaking from the German Jordanian University in 2014 in Jordan, during which he did an exchange year at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt in Germany. Following his graduation, he immersed himself deeper in his filmmaking journey and directed several short films focusing on human driven stories out of the Arab world. Later on, he directed some commercials for the Jordanian Royal Hashemite Court. In 2016, Murad started studying directing at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany. Between 2018 and 2021, Murad wrote and directed three short films, of which most recently "Tala'vison". Which received the support of the Jordan film fund and produced in co-production with SWR, Jordan Pioneers and Tabi 360. Then went on to win various awards and honors, most recently it's golden medal at the Student Academy Awards - Oscars, which marks the first Arab win in the fiction category. In his movies, Murad is drawn to fictionalize and portray stories out of the war torn Arab countries. In order to highlight the injustices and pose critical questions to the standing socio political structures of the “Middle East”. Besides his life in academia and filmmaking, Murad is the founder and coordinator for "Follow The Nile" of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. A nonprofit initiative in East and North Africa, aiming to help writers, directors and producers to find their own individual voices as filmmakers.

Project in development

Filmography on T-Port