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Maxim Stollenwerk
Filmmaker's profile
A popular online model walks a tightrope between her very sexually open online life and her personal life behind the camera, all the while being followed by a documentary crew.
Duration: 26min.
Country: Belgium, Bulgaria
Language: Bulgarian
Year: 2022
Genre: Fiction (Comedy), Fiction (Drama)
Topic: Activism, Adult Relationship, Black Humor, Body, Capitalism, Discrimination, Economic status, Feminism, Horror, Human Conduct, Media, Mental Health, Nightlife, Patriarchy, Prostitution, Sex Work, Sexuality, Unemployment, Women
Director: Maxim Stollenwerk
Production company: Maxim Stollenwerk
Writer: Maxim Stollenwerk
Cinematographer: Ivo Nelis
Editor: Jonas Verstraeten
Actors: Vladinella Katzarska , Lana Gekova ,